When you need to find something, you may use the Mighty Search box in GitHub, but it might not always return what you want. Let’s get started by trying a simple search.
Now, I’m going to search here for “python” projects, so I’ll just type in “python” and you’ll notice that I have an option to search either in my own account, which is in this user, or all of GitHub.
If i’m going to choose in this user. It returns any of my repositories that have the keyword “python” in the name, or as one of the keywords, or in the descriptions. I’m going to try typing in the keyword stars and then a colon and then greater than 30. (star:>30)
This will look for my projects that have a star rating of more than 30. There are other keywords that you can use here, like forks, license, language, or O-R-G if you’re looking for a specific organization. You can also use ranges or dates.
Now if you want to find out all of the options, just go to github.com/search, you can actually see that right here.
You can see that the prefixes are all listed right here with some examples of the different things that you can type. In addition to that, there is an advanced search at advanced search where you can type in some additional searches and see what all the options available to you are.